Sleep Tips.
We could write a book about all the things we’ve tried. How about a bulleted list of the best practices we’ve found instead? We’ll even throw in links to the real sleep experts.
It starts in the morning. Seriously, as soon as you wake, get the lights on and curtains open. Let your eyes see the sun rise and get natural light exposure throughout the day. For a great informational video about light, sleep, and exercise, check this out!
Get moving. Get some exercise, even if it’s a 5 min walk on a work break. The less sleep you got, the more important the exercise. I know, it’s counter-intuitive. Don’t exercise late in the day, do it as close to waking as possible.
Include healthy exercise for every family member during the day. Consult a doctor as needed. Then, tire their butts out, and let them try and keep you awake!
Variety is the spice of life, however this does not apply to bedtime schedules. DO THE SAME ROUTINE, AT THE SAME TIME, FOR BEDTIME EVERY NIGHT. Figure out what works best, then set an alarm and set it in stone. No matter what season, no matter where you are!
Allow for a sensory wind down. Look at everything your family does and interacts with in the evening. Slowly reduce sensory input that stimulates or disorganizes a few hours before bed. Especially notice and reduce busy input that stimulates visual and vestibular systems. Turn the volume down of any auditory input.
Do include sensory inputs in the evenings that are organizing for your family, like relaxing smells, firelight, soft blankets, weighted blankets, warm showers, and snuggling.
Mind the light at night! Light=Awake. Darkness=Melatonin=Sleep. Keep your curtains open long enough to let your brain see the sun going down. Slowly, turn all light sources down. Put dimmers on light switches. Soft white or red light is good, candle or firelight is the best. Turn off blue lights, think LCD screens and LED lights.
For more on this,
If you have to wake up in the middle of the night, DO NOT TURN ON REGULAR LIGHTS. Use a red or soft white, dim nightlight.
Make your bedroom the place where you go to sleep. Don’t work, watch TV, or do hobbies there. If possible, designate kids bedrooms as sleep only areas, too. Their rooms can store whatever, but encourage playing in other living areas. Put computers for homework in offices or on kitchen tables.
Don’t make your bedroom the place you stay when you can’t sleep. If you you can’t go to sleep within a few minutes, leave your bedroom and sit in another room for a few minutes. Resist the urge to be entertained watching TV, or turn on lights (see above). Go sit in the dark, get really bored, then try again. This videos has lots of information.
Sweet Dreams!